
Subject areas




English is central to the learning and development of all young Australians. The Australian Curriculum: English helps students engage imaginatively and critically with literature to expand the scope of their experience. At Everton Park State High School, students engage with a variety of texts from a variety of cultures. Texts types studied include: media, digital texts, novels, poetry and song, and performance. Importantly, they learn how to engage with issues presented and express their thoughts about them.


Mathematics is a unique and powerful way of viewing the world to investigate patterns, order, generality and uncertainty. Mathematics helps people make meaning of their life experiences through the use of universally true abstractions and, at the same time, to apply these abstract concepts to interpret new situations in the real world.

Mathematics is an integral part of a general education. It can enhance understanding of our world and the quality of our participation in a rapidly changing society. Mathematics pervades so many aspects of daily life that a sound knowledge is essential for informed citizenship. Through enhanced understanding of mathematics, people can become better informed economically, socially and politically in an increasingly mathematically oriented society.


Science provides an empirical way of answering interesting and important questions about the biological, physical and technological world. The knowledge it produces has proved to be a reliable basis for action in our personal, social and economic lives. Science is a dynamic, collaborative and creative human endeavour arising from our desire to make sense of our world through exploring the unknown, investigating universal mysteries, making predictions and solving problems. Science aims to understand a large number of observations in terms of a much smaller number of broad principles. 
Humanities and Social Sciences
The humanities and social sciences are the study of human behaviour and interaction in social, cultural, environmental, economic and political contexts. The humanities and social sciences have a historical and contemporary focus, from personal to global contexts, and consider challenges for the future. In the Australian Curriculum, the Humanities and Social Sciences learning area includes a study of History, Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business. The subject provides a broad understanding of the world in which we live, and how people can participate as active and informed citizens with high-level skills needed for the 21st century.


Technologies ensures that all students benefit from learning about and working with traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies that shape the world in which we live. By applying their knowledge and practical skills and processes when using technologies and other resources to create innovative solutions, independently and collaboratively, they develop knowledge, understanding and skills to respond creatively to current and future needs.

Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education provides opportunities for students to adopt lifelong healthy, active living. The knowledge, understanding and skills taught through Health and Physical Education provide a foundation for students to enhance their own and others' health and wellbeing in varied and changing contexts.


Drama has an important role to play in the personal and emotional development of students. The skills and qualities developed, such as teamwork, creativity, leadership and risk-taking are assets in all areas of life. Drama stimulates the imagination and allows students to explore issues and experiences in a safe and supportive environment. The development of social and communication skills are central to the learning process; the subject promotes self-esteem, builds confidence and provides all students with a sense of achievement.


Music is the art of sound. It is a universal language that allows people around the world to give voice to their creativity, expression, knowledge, beliefs and traditions. In Music, students listen to, compose and perform music from a diverse range of styles, traditions and contexts. They create, shape and share sounds in time and space and critically analyse and evaluate the manipulation of music elements in repertoire. In their exploration of composition, performance and musicology students examine the choices made by musicians and composers in the creation of musical works. 

Visual Art

Visual arts includes the fields of art, craft and design. Learning in and through these fields, students create visual representations that communicate, challenge and express their own and others' ideas as artist and audience.  They learn about the role of the artist, craftsperson and designer, their contribution to society, and the significance of the creative industries. Similarly, with the other art forms, the visual arts has the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich the lives of students, encouraging them to reach their creative and intellectual potential by igniting informed, imaginative and innovative thinking.



Spanish is a global language spoken by approximately 500 million people across the world. The subject of Spanish focuses on developing students' understanding of Spanish language and culture. The course is designed to provide students with opportunities to develop the skills needed to communicate in Spanish, build their vocabulary and understanding of grammatical structures, and to develop their repertoire of processing skills and strategies for acquiring and manipulating the verbal, non-verbal, and written features of the Spanish language.

Geography  Year 9 and 10                                                         

In a world of increasing global integration and international mobility, it is critical to the wellbeing and sustainability of the environment and society that young Australians develop a holistic understanding of the world. This requires deep knowledge and understanding of why the world is the way it is and the interconnections between people, places and environments over place and time. The Australian Curriculum: Geography empowers students to shape change for a socially just and sustainable future. Geography inspires curiosity and wonder about the diversity of the world's places, peoples, cultures and environments. 

History Year 9 and 10

History is a disciplined process of inquiry into the past that develops students' curiosity and imagination. Awareness of history is an essential characteristic of any society, and historical knowledge is fundamental to understanding ourselves and others. History promotes the understanding of societies, events, movements and developments that have shaped humanity from earliest times. It helps students appreciate how the world and its people have changed, as well as the significant continuities that exist to the present day. History, as a discipline, has its own methods and procedures which make it different from other ways of understanding human experience. 

Civics and Citizenship Year 9 and 10

A deep understanding of Australia's federal system of government and the liberal democratic values that underpin it is essential in enabling students to become active and informed citizens who participate in and sustain Australia's democracy. The Australian Curriculum: Civics and Citizenship provides students with opportunities to investigate political and legal systems, and explore the nature of citizenship, diversity and identity in contemporary society. Emphasis is placed on the federal system of government, derived from the Westminster system, and the liberal democratic values that underpin it such as freedom, equality and the rule of law. 

Economics and Business Year 9 and 10

As mass global flows of people, resources, finances and information produce social, economic, political and environmental complexities and challenges, Australia needs enterprising individuals who can make informed decisions and actively participate in society and the economy as individuals and more broadly as global citizens. Young Australians will also face a number of social, economic and moral challenges in their lifetimes that will impact on their lives and choices. It is critical that students are equipped with the knowledge, understanding and skills that will empower them in the face of such challenges. The Australian Curriculum: Economics and Business empowers students to shape their social and economic futures and to contribute to the development of prosperous, sustainable and equitable Australian and global economies.

Extension Health and Physical Education Year 9 and 10

Extension Health and Physical Education provides further opportunities to refine and apply strategies for maintaining a positive outlook and evaluating behavioural expectations in different leisure, social, movement and online situations. Students learn to critically analyse and apply health and physical activity information to devise and implement personalised plans for maintaining healthy and active habits. Additionally, as it is an extension, a greater exploration of knowledge and skills required in senior pathways are developed.  

Food and Fibre Year 9 and 10

Food and Fibre is a course of study whereby students apply knowledge, skills and resources to create needs and wants of people and communities.  Within the course, students use their food and fibre studies knowledge and skills to solve design challenges.  

Materials Principles and Systems Year 9 and 10

Materials Principles and Systems is a course of study that provides an opportunity for students to gain an understanding of the basics of robotics, hydraulics and pneumatics, structures, forces, and related engineering concepts. 

Industrial Technology and Design Year 9 and 10

Design Technology is a course of study that provides an opportunity for students to gain an understanding of design and technology across a range of contexts.  Students will design and manufacture a variety of products / artifacts in response to design briefs.

Digital Technologies Year 9 and 10

Learning in Digital Technologies focuses on further developing understanding and skills in computational thinking such as, precisely and accurately describing problems, and the use of modular approaches to solutions. It also focuses on engaging students with specialised learning in preparation for vocational training or learning in the senior secondary years.

By the end of Year 9, students will have had opportunities to create a range of digital solutions, such as interactive web applications or programmable multimedia assets or simulations of relationships between objects in the real world.

Last reviewed 16 June 2023
Last updated 16 June 2023