Hours of operation -
8.30am – 1.00pm
The Canteen which is operated by
our Parents and Citizens Association (P&C) provides a five (5) days a week service.
volunteers are invited to contact the Canteen on (07) 3354 0205 between 8.30am
– 1.00pm if they are able to help, either by working in the Canteen one day a
month, or by donating groceries or vegetables etc.
Our Canteen also supplies catering for functions and prepares the afternoon tea for our Homework Centre each week.
The Canteen promotes healthy eating habits and we ask
all parents and guardians to assist us in promoting healthy and responsible
eating practices, according to Queensland Smart
Choices Healthy Food and Drink Choices Guidelines.
A price list is sent home at the beginning of the school year and any
changes will be advised in the school newsletter. Specials will also be
advertised in the newsletter and student notices.