Student Resource CentreThe Library is open from 8:30AM to 3:00PM each school day.We hope you will make good use of the book and non-book collections and have received a large shipment of new novels for borrowing. Facilities include:- Internet access is also available in the Library and students are able to print documents and get assistance with any assignment printing and presentation.
- The Library has board games at break times and is the venue for homework club at 3.15pm Monday, Wednesday and Thursday's.
- Our Virtual classroom is located in the student resource centre and is a modern meeting area/classroom with computerised whiteboard and projector equipment.
Library rules- Place all bags in the bag racks provided. Bags are not permitted in the Library at any time.
- Wait quietly outside the Library for their teacher to arrive.
- Work quietly at all times - this includes class time as well as before school and at lunchtime.
- Provide a note from their teacher and check with Library staff on arrival and departure from the Library, if they wish to use the Library resources during their class time.
- Ensure that on leaving the Library, all chairs are put in; the area is left neat and tidy.
- No food or drink (other than bottled water) is permitted in the Library
Overdue, lost, damaged resources2 weeks overdue: Students with overdue books will receive overdue notices in Home Group meetings.
3 weeks overdue: An invoice requesting payment of the replacement cost of the book will be sent to the student’s parents.
If a resource is damaged or cannot be found, the student will be invoiced for the full replacement cost of the resource.