EPSHS has an active Positive Behaviour for Learning Committee that strives to create positive relationships between all members of our growing school community.
In order to do this, the committee encourages all members of the EPSHS community to:
Be Responsible, to Be Respectful and to
Be Your Best.
The implementation and teaching of these core expectations is deliberately aimed at equipping students with the skills and values that are required for them to be successful and thriving community members both now, and into the future.
The PBL committee meet twice per term and use the PBL framework to implement a whole school, evidence based approach to behaviour support. This committee includes student involvement, staff involvement and parental representation.
The PBL framework takes an instructional approach to behaviour, recognising that students need to be taught the desired behaviours that will equip them for success at both school and beyond.
At EPSHS, PBL is visible and implemented via the following (and other) methods:
- Clearly establishing the core expectations of school community members
- Be Responsible, Be Respectful, Be Your Best
- Clearly articulated classroom rules visibly displayed and enforced
- Teaching expected behaviours through a weekly behavioural focus lesson
- Emphasising the weekly behavioural focus through assembly presentations
- Weekly Positive Behaviour for Learning Certificate Presentations on Assemblies to recognise and reinforce positive behaviour
- Weekly Everton Park Pride Ticket Draw winners (prizes at local businesses) to recognise and reinforce positive behaviour
- Termly EPIC Awards (Everton Park Incentive Certificates)
- Regular meetings between key stakeholders to discuss behaviour data from within the school in order to implement interventions when required, and to share successes when required
- Newsletter updates and recognition of students
- Linking our behaviour mangement processes with regional teams to ensure currency of research-based practices