The uniform
shop stocks uniform requirements for Everton Park State High School. The P & C Association operates the
uniform shop as a convenience and service to parents and caregivers.
Open Hours during the school term
Monday 8am
– 11 am
Thursday 8am
- 11 am
(Uniform Shop will Open on the Tuesday morning if Monday is a Public Holiday)
Payment method
We accept
cash, EFTPOS, Master Card and Visa Card
Orders and payments accepted by phone
or order form
On days when
the uniform shop is not open, you can complete an order form and lodge it via
our email at epshspc.uniform@gmail.com or leave at the school office.
On days when
the uniform shop is open we can accept orders and payment over the phone if you
do not want to include card details on the order form.
Items can be
left at the office for students to collect when shop is closed via prior arrangement.
Second hand uniforms
Donations of
second hand uniforms can be made at the school office.
Suggested uniform purchases
1set of
the formal uniform including socks
2 sets of the
sports uniform including socks
1 formal
hat/belt (for grey shorts and trousers)
Helpers are
always needed for back to school trading.
If you can spare an hour or two to help in the store it would be greatly
appreciated. Please email epshspc.uniform@gmail.com